It’s a question I have been asked a lot lately – What’s with the Beard? I guess people just prefer the Baby Face me to the Gruff me. If you haven’t heard already, I have been participating in the American Cancer Society’s No Shave November event. Unfortunately, the beard has come in much too gray. It really is too much gray for a 30 year old.
The beard growing is an attempt to bring attention to men’s health. Unfortunately, many men do not bother seeing their doctors for regular check ups. Regular medical exams are the key to preventative health and early detection of cancers. Many cancers have an excellent response rate to treatment when discovered early. I am hoping my gray beard will get a few men in to see their doctor.
In keeping with the theme we will have a beard contest on Wednesday December 3, 2014 at 5:30pm. As an encouragement to men, we are awarding a free CoolSculpting treatment to the winner of the contest. Everyone who attends the event is eligible for special event only pricing of 25% off CoolSculpting packages. In addition, we will be donating 10% of the proceeds to the American Cancer Society. Space is limited so be sure to call Linda or Hilda at 210-499-5900 to reserve your spot. It will be your last chance to check out the Bearded me, because I plan to shave it off soon after.